This update will be interesting.
Well, I don't know that, I just hope it will ^_^
Well, here I am, the lovely Admin Pippin. Just gonna update you on mah life as a music listener, and stuff.
I'm still chiefly listening to these guys:
Yeah, surprise surprise... Mumford & Sons.
But what is quite cool is I found a picture of them with my favourite actor xD
Now, keep scrolling for something very special, and my music that I shall share with you todayyyy

Yes, I have seen the Hobbit. I saw it on the 13th, the day it came out in mah country. I wore my green coat, with is like the one Bilbo is wearing in this picture............ this guy sitting by me referred to me as a "Lord Of The Rings Fan". Understatement or what.
I can almost feel you staring at the computer screen like: "If Admin Pippin dares to spoil it or even mention soundtracks I will bite her finger off."
Now, please don't be all like:
"Admin Pippin, give us a break!! All you ever talk about are y' stupid soundtracks"
I would also like to share the epicness that is my five favourite dwarves from the film -

Thanks for coming, seeeyaaaaaa