
Music of the week (non-Christmas)

Heeey :)

So this is a song that makes me cry a bit.

I moved away from my homeland six yers ago. It was the hardest and worst experience I have ever had in my lifetime. All those people I grew up with,the town where I lived that I knew sooo well. The faces I can only see every two years...Memories burning my brain,bringing tears to my eyes,wishing I could go back to those "good old days".

Don't get me wrong,I'm not depressed,not now. I love the new country where I live,though I miss the people terribly.

So here it is!

Alice :)
And to those who know me:

I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say goodbye.


Heyyy, thought I would wrish you a Merry Christmas while I announce that I will soon be learning Saxophone!!!! YES!! GET IN! We've had one for a while, but no-one in the house plays..... so soon I will :)

You can soon expect.... as in, within two weeks, a post all about saxophones :P Cya then!



Hey :)

So guess what guys?
Yep! That's right! It's nearly Christmas!!

Well, there's a song that is rreeaallyy good. It's called "Mary did you know?" and it's really significant for me
I didn't find a version I really liked,so I chose the best one I found:

And here is another Christmas song I love :)

So there's your Christmas present!!

And now I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a new year full of blessings!

Alice :)


Yup, only a week til you-know-what!

That's right! It's only a week until Christmas!!! Give us a big YAY!!!!!!! All the shops have officially ditched the normal pop songs and replaced them with the classic "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" and "Do They Know It's Christmas?".
But what's also coming up is the new year. For a lot of us (as school has just finished), the next time we will see our friends it will be 2012! And that's a scary but exciting thought.
Anyway, here comes the music part of my post.
I bet many of you have heard the oh-so-classic "All I Want for Christmas is You" by Mariah Carey. But have you heard the new Michael Buble version? He recently released a new Christmas album with lots of well-known Christmassy songs loaded onto it. Enjoy!

Oh, and P.S. If any of you hate Michael Buble, then SHAME ON YOU!

Nah, just kidding. Everyone has different tastes :)

Love, Migmog xoxoxoxox


Christmas :D

I love Christmas, and Christmas carols. It's my favourite time of year.

Cos of all those poppy Christmas songs, we don't really listen to the actual carols, that tell the Christmas story. This is a rather quiet, but new Christmas song, by Chris Tomlin.

Chris Tomlin FEAT Audrey Assad - Winter Snow

Enjoy it!
I must admit, I only listened to it once, but it's lovely.

From Pippin